Grounding: Voices
Seiji Nakagawa
What does a Lead Programmer do?
Some of what I do concerns overseeing various programming tasks related to the projects that we are working on, which may mean I program myself, or I help and guide the team of programmers that we have here at Grounding Inc. I also verify that the programmers that we take on for a specific project have the skills and experience needed for the task ahead. I also lead meetings with clients and collaborating companies on a technical level, to make sure we are all reading from the same page when it comes to those matters. Finally, I make the decisions regarding engineering and technical issues related to the company and our working environment.
What are your future plans at Grounding?
I want to make a game that really makes a mark in the industry and represents my personality and character. I think if we can make a popular game, it will be a hit, it will sell well and that can only be a positive for the company. That is the sort of game I would like to make.
Positives about working at Grounding
If you can show that you get results as well as displaying your skills and abilities, this company doesn't care about your years in the industry and your experience, they will hire you. When I think about where I was when I got hired here, I didn't have half the skills and experience I have now, but working here has made me into what I am today and I am confident in my skills and abilities now. It is a great place to grow and learn.
What is a typical Grounding person like?
Like and older brother who takes care of you. Someone that gives you a project and encourages you to complete the task, which means you get to grow and learn new skills as well as growing in confidence.